Density, distribution function, quantile function,
random generation and hazard function for the Weibull Poisson distribution
with parameters mu
, sigma
and nu
dWP(x, mu, sigma, nu, log = FALSE)
pWP(q, mu, sigma, nu, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
qWP(p, mu, sigma, nu, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
rWP(n, mu, sigma, nu)
hWP(x, mu, sigma, nu)
gives the density, pWP
gives the distribution
function, qWP
gives the quantile function, rWP
generates random deviates and hWP
gives the hazard function.
The Weibull Poisson distribution with parameters mu
and nu
has density given by
\(f(x) = \frac{\mu \sigma \nu e^{-\nu}} {1-e^{-\nu}} x^{\mu-1} exp({-\sigma x^{\mu}+\nu exp({-\sigma} x^{\mu}) }),\)
for x > 0.
Amylkar Urrea Montoya,
old_par <- par(mfrow = c(1, 1)) # save previous graphical parameters
## The probability density function
curve(dWP(x, mu=1.5, sigma=0.5, nu=10), from=0.0001, to=2,
col="red", las=1, ylab="f(x)")
## The cumulative distribution and the Reliability function
par(mfrow=c(1, 2))
curve(pWP(x, mu=1.5, sigma=0.5, nu=10),
from=0.0001, to=2, col="red", las=1, ylab="F(x)")
curve(pWP(x, mu=1.5, sigma=0.5, nu=10, lower.tail=FALSE),
from=0.0001, to=2, col="red", las=1, ylab="R(x)")
## The quantile function
p <- seq(from=0, to=0.99999, length.out=100)
plot(x=qWP(p, mu=1.5, sigma=0.5, nu=10), y=p, xlab="Quantile",
las=1, ylab="Probability")
curve(pWP(x, mu=1.5, sigma=0.5, nu=10),
from=0, add=TRUE, col="red")
## The random function
hist(rWP(n=10000, mu=1.5, sigma=0.5, nu=10), freq=FALSE,
xlab="x", ylim=c(0, 2.2), las=1, main="")
curve(dWP(x, mu=1.5, sigma=0.5, nu=10),
from=0.001, to=4, add=TRUE, col="red")
## The Hazard function
curve(hWP(x, mu=1.5, sigma=0.5, nu=10), from=0.001, to=5,
col="red", ylab="Hazard function", las=1)
par(old_par) # restore previous graphical parameters